Theology and Transforming Mission

Equipping disciples to be catalysts of change through a Gospel that transforms

All of the KST tracks provide a thorough grounding in theology, biblical studies, history, culture and mission. They are designed to equip you through in-depth teaching, practical studies, tailored assignments and a supportive learning environment.

First year

All students in the first year of KST follow the same curriculum, providing a foundational grounded in theology, biblical studies, mission and spirituality. We complement this with a study skills programme, designed to give all students the skills you need to succeed with the academic aspects of the course.

Second & Third year

In the second and third year, the curriculum diversifies with core modules and four of the modules are tailored to your track.

Track Specific Modules:

  • Acts and a Transforming Mission – An in-depth look at the book of Acts and its implications for understanding the Gospel, mission and church.
  • Transforming Communities – What sort of churches are required to bring transformation in our communities, and what sort of transformation?
  • Transforming Disciples – What does it mean to be follower of Jesus in todays world, and become disciples who make disciples? what do we mean by conversion?
  • Transforming Cultures – How does the Gospel engage with culture, what models do we have, and what change should it bring?

What the Theology and Transforming Mission track gives you:

  • Ability to apply theology to your life and mission
  • Gospel contextualisation
  • Purpose as a ‘missional disciple’, who is able to disciple others
  • Understanding of the breadth of missional theology: historically, biblically and culturally
  • Skills and knowledge to engage with social structures
  • Development of skills in translating vision to strategy


Course Objectives

This track is for people who are:

  • involved in any area of society – business, healthcare, education, law, family.
  • developing pioneering, strategic and leadership gifting
  • wanting to be equipped to engage thoughtfully with mission and society
  • seeking to contextualise the gospel in a postmodern, pluralistic society

Course Details

Course Duration:3 Years
Course Dates:5 Weekends per year, Mentoring, Personal Study
Location:In-person/Online/Zoom Hybrid delivery - see practical information page
Cost:see practical information page

Course Tutors

The Track leader for Theology & Transforming Mission is Mark Norridge, our KST Principal. Our Track Leaders head up the development, structure and delivery of the specialist areas within KST. They take a lead in mentoring, tutoring and teaching, and bring specialist expertise to the team. The elements of KST which all students take are led by Mark Norridge and the tutoring team.

Mark Norridge from Community Church Northampton has over 15 years’ experience in church planting and missional outreach, and seeks to combine business, church and mission for the furthering of God’s kingdom.


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"I have gained a greater idea of how theology can help with aiding mission and how to do this. I feel I have a greater opportunity to share my faith with those that do not know Jesus as their saviour."

Jo, Buxton


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