Theology and Biblical Studies

In-depth exploration of scripture, doctrine, culture, and mission

All of the KST tracks provide a thorough grounding in theology, biblical studies, history, culture and mission. They are designed to equip you through in-depth teaching, practical studies, tailored assignments and a supportive learning environment.

First year

All students in the first year of KST follow the same curriculum, providing a foundational grounded in theology, biblical studies, mission and spirituality. We complement this with a study skills programme, designed to give all students the skills you need to succeed with the academic aspects of the course.

Second & Third year

In the second and third year, the curriculum diversifies with core modules and four of the modules are tailored to your track.

Track Specific Modules:

  • Romans – a deep dive into this book that is so influential in Western Theology, considering contemporary interpretative issues.
  • Psalms and Wisdom Literature – How do we read these books of the bible is a way that informs our life today?
  • John’s Gospel – a deep dive exegetical book study considering the key themes of John’s Gospel
  • The Bible for the Church – Developing bible interpretation skills through considering historical models and their relevance for today’s world.

The Theology and Biblical Studies Track gives you:

  • Confidence and clarity over the story of scripture
  • Ability to equip the church with biblical truth
  • Communication skills – written and spoken
  • Ability to weigh different perspectives, think critically, and come to conclusions
  • Research skills and a passion for study, equipping you for lifelong learning

Course Objectives

This track is for people who:

  • want a thorough grounding in theology, which covers all the major disciplines of biblical studies, doctrine, history, and practical theology.
  • seek to be equipped to lead, teach, and communicate theologically
  • are involved in any area of ministry or mission
  • desire theological training which will equip them to learn for themselves and lead others

Course Details

Course Duration:3 Years
Course Dates:5 Weekends per year, Mentoring, Personal Study
Location:In-person/Online/Zoom Hybrid delivery - see practical information page
Cost:see practical information page

Course Tutors

Ruth is KST Academic Manager and Theology & Biblical Studies track leader. Ruth Norris is currently completing a PhD in Biblical Studies at the University of Cambridge. She holds a Master’s degree from Regent College Vancouver. Prior to this she was a secondary school music teacher, and schools outreach leader, evangelism trainer and ministry team worker for Basingstoke Community Churches.

Our Track Leaders head up the development, structure and delivery of the specialist areas within KST. They take a lead in mentoring, tutoring and teaching, and bring specialist expertise to the team.


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"Each module has built on the previous one, like a KST Viennetta pudding - the content and personal journeying over the last 3 years has been amazing."

Karen, Basingstoke


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